Hello my lovelies.
I've been thinking of more blog post ideas recently in order to keep posting as I told myself I wanted to do more, however once again I've slacked a bit on posting on the blog. I'm also working towards other life goals so I then thought why not write a post about how I'm trying to motivated working towards these things. So here goes...
Find Something to Work Towards
Obviously the first step to staying motivated for something is to know what it is you are wanting to achieve. For example a couple of things on my list are saving for a house/wedding, finding a new job and writing more blog posts. Once you know what your goal is you can work out how to reach it.
Make Checkpoints to Track Progress
By giving yourself small checkpoints to work up to you can see how far you have come since you started trying to stay motivated towards your personal goal. For example setting yourself an amount of money you'd like to save up to in a savings account, setting dates for when to publish blog posts - just a couple of points I'm attempting.
Give Yourself Breaks Now & Then
Obviously keep your goals in mind but don't focus on them to the point where it's all you can think about and it starts to bring you down. I think the saying goes 'Rome wasn't built in a day' - you can't do it all once so stressing over it won't make things any easier. Small steps are the way forward to achieve a great goal.
Make a List of the Reasons You Want to Achieve This
One of the points on my personal list is to support my family. When you're able to physically see the reasons that you are working hard for I think this helps as its a reminder and another motivational tool to help you reach that end goal. Perhaps look at the list when it feels like things are getting a little tough to remind that whatever you are trying to do will be worth it.
And finally ... Don't Be Too Hard on Yourself
Things take time. Its important to have faith in yourself and don't give up as you'd be letting yourself down most of all. Keep on track of what you are trying to achieve but not to the point where its bringing you down. Life is meant to be fun and meaningful so live it happily knowing that you're doing great however far you have come to reaching that goal. You'll feel great when you can look back and think to yourself 'I did it!'.
I'm guilty myself of struggling to stay motivated sometimes, but even if its just a small step towards what I'm working for I still try to keep going, and so should you no matter how big or small the final goal is, don't give up.
Until next time, thanks for reading
Lily x